Saturday, July 2, 2016

Day 3

Day three is from Corbridge to Chollerford and we had a pretty packed day. Before we got back on the trail we went to two heritage sites. One was the Roman city in Corbridge where you can see the remains of an old city and fort. We had an audio tour take us around the place. It was fairly well excavated and pieced back together again. The next place we saw was Aydens Castle which was an 12th century castle used to stave off Scottish raiding parties from the north. It changed ownership many times so it got expanded and rebuilt a lot. On the way to thus castle we took a footpath that probably hadn't been used in over a year since the trail was barely visible and the grass was high. It was a little adventure.

Once we made it back to the main wall pathway, we made slow progress. This was mainly because we stopped at several places to take in the sites. We were able to see bits of the wall in two main areas. One showed how the wall had narrowed a bit due to different orders for width by the emperor to save time. The other part of the wall showed a turret, which is basically a small outpost for defense and supplies along the wall.

Our walk today was slow going because of some rain storms we encountered. We stayed dry for the most part but the ground was muddy, full of sheep poop to avoid, and wet throughout.

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