Friday, July 8, 2016

Finishing Hadrian's wall

Yesterday, we finished our walk at Bowness on Solway. It was a wonderful feeling to finally be done with the walk. We were both pretty exhausted and I think I was in a bit worse shape than Liz due to a nasty blister and the fact that my heal hurt in the back of my left foot, probably from keeping the boot too tight at the beginning of the journey. The last day was mostly a long long walk if about 15 miles through flat road and a few pastures. We made it a bit longer by not paying attention to the map and going on an unexpected 2 mile excursion before we corrected. The good choice of the day was wearing sneakers instead of hiking boots and that made a huge difference.

We checked in to our hotel and had a great room on the top floor with a window overlooking the Solway. We could see Scotland from our room ;) Later, we has a nice dinner and relaxed a bit before bed. It was a successful end to the trek.

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